Saturday 21 February 2015

Fugu -The traditional wear for Northern Ghanaians

Fugu -The tradition goes on
The fugu or smock is the most distinctive dress from northern Ghana which has gained national significance.
From the dawn of civilisation, man has had an intense relationship with nature, and cotton is a basic natural product that man uses for various purposes. 
Cotton is known for its versatility, use and natural comfort. It is used to make all kinds of clothes and all kinds of materials for domestic use, as well as industrial purposes.
Cotton fibre is woven or knitted into fabrics such as the “fugu” and “Kente.”
Tamale, Bolgatanga, Wa,  Daboya, Yendi and its environs have a particularly strong tradition of weaving fugu.
Generations of artisans have been engaged in this profession. This has become hereditary with fathers transferring their knowledge and skills to their sons.
The boys in the family, at a very young age, start learning the art of making fugu with very simple wooden looms and improve their skills through constant practice.
Craftsmen in northern Ghana are famous for their magnificent workmanship. The fugu often has embroidery designs on them to enhance their beauty.
This is particularly true in the case of Daboya, the northernmost town of Ghana, which is known for its beauty.  The area, with its natural beauty and inexhaustible salt production ventures, rivers and tourist attractions, inspires artists and craftsmen.  
The best known fugu is Daboya (meaning, “our brother is better than us”). Daboya fugus are famous for their beauty, patterns, colours, motifs, artistic appearance and texture.
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